Canadian Stamps
Revenue - Excise Tax - first issue
Revenue - Excise Tax - first issue
Stamps will be added as they are cataloged. Please be patient.
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Excise Tax Revenue Stamp Issue of 1915-1923
1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp M P239S37 SOLD
1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P239S66 SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp Mint Hinged P39Pg6S19 SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp Mint Hinged P39Pg6S20 SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P70s01 SOLD |
1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp MH P347S14 $0.38
1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P295S01a SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P295S01b SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P272S96 SOLD 1915 FX1 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P253S01 SOLD |
1915 FX3 6c orange Excise Tax Stamp (3 copies) used P227S113 all SOLD
1915 FX3 6c orange Excise Tax Stamp used P295S03 SOLD
1915 FX3 6c orange Excise Tax Stamp used P398S08 $0.13
1915 FX3 6c orange Excise Tax Stamp used P295S03 SOLD
1915 FX3 6c orange Excise Tax Stamp used P398S08 $0.13
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P277S07 $0.13
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P212s32 SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp single P102S10 SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp single P102S11 SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp single P102S12 SOLD |
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S07a SOLD
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S07b SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S07c SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S07d $0.13 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S07e $0.13 |
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P398S09 $0.13
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P393S33 $0.13 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P348S12 SOLD 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P318S04 $0.13 1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P297S18 $0.13 |
1915 FX7 20c olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp (5 copies) used P227S115 all SOLD
P29S07 FX8 30c yellow brown excise tax of 1915 uncancelled SOLD
FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp BoB P10S12 uncancelled? SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P39Pg6S24 SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp uncancelled ink streaks at top P62Pg02S14 SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp single P70s04 SOLD |
1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P297S19 $0.13
1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P295S08a SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P295S08b SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P295S08c SOLD 1915 FX8 30c yellow brown Excise Tax Stamp used P272S100 $0.13 |
1915 FX10 60c blue Excise Tax Stamp (ink drags) used P271s39 SOLD
1915 FX10 60c blue Excise Tax Stamp (ink drags) used P253S06 SOLD 1915 FX10 60c blue Excise Tax Stamp (ink drags) used P239S128 SOLD 1915 FX10 60c blue Excise Tax Stamp (ink drags) used P239S44 SOLD 1915 FX10 60c blue Excise Tax Stamp single P62Pg02S16 SOLD |
1915 FX11 70c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P348S16 SOLD
1915 FX11 70c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P318S05 SOLD 1915 FX11 70c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P272S101 SOLD 1915 FX11 70c olive green Excise Tax Stamp uncancelled no gum P237S01 SOLD 1915 FX11 70c olive green Excise Tax Stamp used P227S118 SOLD |
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P239S46 SOLD
P29S08 FX14 $1. yellow excise tax of 1915 uncancelled SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P39Pg6S26 SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp single P62Pg02S17 SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp single P70s05 SOLD |
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S11a SOLD
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S11b SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S11c SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S11d SOLD 1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P295S11e $0.13 |
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P350S07 $0.13
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp MNG P374S19 $7.50
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P398S12a $0.13
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P398S12b $0.13
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp MNG P374S19 $7.50
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P398S12a $0.13
1915 FX14 $1.00 olive yellow Excise Tax Stamp used P398S12b $0.13
1915 FX15 $2.00 green Excise Tax Stamp used P271s42 SOLD
1915 FX15 $2.00 green Excise Tax Stamp used P253S08 SOLD 1915 FX15 $2.00 green Excise Tax Stamp single P62Pg02S18 SOLD 1915 FX15 $2.00 green Excise Tax Stamp uncancelled no gum P66S10 SOLD 1915 FX15 $2.00 green Excise Tax Stamp used P239S47 SOLD |
1915 FX18 $5.00 vermillion Excise Tax Stamp used P271s45 SOLD
1915 FX18 $5.00 vermillion Excise Tax Stamp used P253S10 SOLD 1915 FX18 $5.00 vermillion Excise Tax Stamp used P239S130 SOLD 1915 FX18 $5.00 vermillion Excise Tax Stamp used P239S49 SOLD 1915 FX18 $5.00 vermillion Excise Tax Stamp single P62Pg02S19 SOLD |
Overprints on 1915 Excise Tax Stamp
1915 FX21 3/16c CENT on 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp MNG P374S20 $0.75
1915 FX21 3/16c CENT on 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp P318S14 SOLD 1915 FX21 3/16c CENT on 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp MH P239S51 SOLD 1915 FX21 3/16c CENT on 1/4c olive green Excise Tax Stamp M P39Pg6S28 SOLD 1915 FX21 3/16c CENT on 1/4c olive green Excise Tax used P295S15 SOLD |
1915 FX22 1/5c on 7c brown Excise Tax Stamp MH P398S15 $1.75
1915 FX22 1/5c on 7c brown Excise Tax Stamp MH P387S05 $1.75 1915 FX22 1/5c on 7c brown Excise Tax Stamp used P239S131 SOLD 1915 FX22 1/5c on 7c brown Excise Tax Stamp MH P239S52 SOLD 1915 FX22 1/5c on 7c brown Excise Tax Stamp used P62Pg02S20 SOLD |
1915 FX23 3/8c CENT on 1/2c carmine Excise Tax Stamp MNG P374S21 SOLD
1915 FX23 3/8c CENT on 1/2c carmine Excise Tax Stamp used P295S17a SOLD 1915 FX23 3/8c CENT on 1/2c carmine Excise Tax Stamp used P295S17b SOLD 1915 FX23 3/8c CENT on 1/2c carmine Excise Tax Stamp used P295S17c SOLD 1915 FX23 3/8c CENT on 1/2c carmine Excise Tax Stamp used P295S17d SOLD |
Overprints on 1915 War Tax Stamp
1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp P47S32 SOLD
1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp P70s12 SOLD 1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp P70s13 SOLD 1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp used P239S294 SOLD 1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp used P295S19 SOLD 1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp used P350S09 SOLD 1915 FX30 3/4c "CENT" on 1c orange War Tax Stamp block 4 uncancelled no gum P221s14 SOLD |
1915 FX33 2&1/4c CENTS on 3c green War Tax Stamp used P297S21 SOLD
1915 FX33 2&1/4c CENTS on 3c green War Tax Stamp used P295S22a $22.50 1915 FX33 2&1/4c CENTS on 3c green War Tax Stamp used P295S22b $22.50 1915 FX33 2&1/4c CENTS on 3c green War Tax Stamp used P295S22c $22.50 1915 FX33 2&1/4c CENTS on 3c green War Tax Stamp used P295S22d $22.50 |