Canadian Stamps
Canada Official Stamps Overprinted OHMS & G
Canada Official Stamps Overprinted OHMS & G
Stamps will be added as they are cataloged. Please be patient.
Overprinted OHMS
King George VI War Issue of 1942 Overprinted OHMS
Peace Issue of 1946 Overprinted OHMS
King George VI Issue of 1949 Overprinted OHMS
Overprinted G
KGVI Issue of 1949 w postes/postage Overprinted G
KGVI Issue of 1950 w/o postes/postage Overprinted G
KGVI Issue of 1951 revised colors Overprinted G
1950-51 Peace Issue Overprinted G
1950-51 Natural Resources Issue Overprinted G
1950 O26 10c Fur Drying skins ovpt G (10 copies) used R6dpS73 $0.13 ea
1953 QEII Karsh Portrait Overprinted G
1953 O36 4c violet QEII ovpt G used P345S10 $0.10
1951-1955 commeratives Overprinted "Flying" G
1951-1955 commeratives Overprinted G
1951 O30 20c Pulp & Paper ovpt G (5 copies) used R6dpS74 $0.10 ea
1955 QEII Wilding Portrait Overprinted G
1955 O41 2c green QEII "G" used P345S11 $0.10
1955 O44 5c bright blue QEII "G" used P345S12 $0.10
1963 QEII Cameo Portrait Overprinted G
1963 O48i 4c carmine QEII Cameo "blunt G" official posn91 MH P246S21 $20.00
see also Canada Errors |
Unofficial Offical stamps
From Jarrett - Standard British North American Catalogue - 1929:
over-printed in black, blue or red, vertically or diagonally, and accompanied by the Coat of Arms (in the case of stationery). These were discredited by the P.O. Department in 1885.
They were done by Henry Hechler (deceased January 1928) in Halifax, at the time of the Indian outbreak in the Canadian North-West in 1884-85
His explanation was that the mail matter addressed to members of the militia of various provinces required some means of distinguishing it from ordinary mail matter
in view of the prompt measures being taken to call men to the service. Although unofficial, the over-printing did not impair the postal value of the stamps and envelopes and
they were permitted to pass through the mails. The Large Queen 12½c and 15c stamps have also been noted with the OFFICIAL overprint."
over-printed in black, blue or red, vertically or diagonally, and accompanied by the Coat of Arms (in the case of stationery). These were discredited by the P.O. Department in 1885.
They were done by Henry Hechler (deceased January 1928) in Halifax, at the time of the Indian outbreak in the Canadian North-West in 1884-85
His explanation was that the mail matter addressed to members of the militia of various provinces required some means of distinguishing it from ordinary mail matter
in view of the prompt measures being taken to call men to the service. Although unofficial, the over-printing did not impair the postal value of the stamps and envelopes and
they were permitted to pass through the mails. The Large Queen 12½c and 15c stamps have also been noted with the OFFICIAL overprint."
1885 35 1c yellow Small Queen (Hechler 'OFFICIAL' overprint) P308S12
1885 37 3c orange red Small Queen (Hechler 'OFFICIAL' overprint) P308S13 See also QV Small Queen |